The most difficult part of writing this review was deciding whether or not to refer to this film as Star Wars or A New Hope . Being born a long time after the film came out, I've always known it as a A New Ho pe, but I'm obviously aware that to a lot of people it is Star Wars and no amount of special editions will change that. I still haven't found an answer to that question and I have literally no idea where I'm going with this, so I think I'll just shut up and get on with the review. A Tangible Galaxy, Far Far Away If you watch A New Hope after watching the prequels (which I did last time I watched it) the first thing you notice is how real everything feels. The super revolutionary reason for that is because it is real. In the '70s there was no CGI, or at least not in a way that would be able to sustain an entire film, so instead the filmmakers actually built the sets. I know, what a ridiculous idea? Against all the odds, however, A New Hope looks abs...