The film opens on a boat being pursued by some form of baddy boat, in the middle of a convenient storm. This boat is captained by our hero, Alice, and she screams some orders at her crew in an attempt to get away from the baddy boat. Her crew tells her - rain splashing dramatically against their face like the good pathetic fallacy it is - that the plan is impossible. “You know what my thoughts are on that word,” she replies, a nice callback to the first film, as well as to her relationship with her late father. Eventually, after a great big CGI filled set piece, they escape the baddy boat via an elaborate manoeuvre across a shallow patch of water. ‘Shallow,’ I think, 'sums up that action sequence perfectly.’ It's the kind of spectacle with so little weight to it and so many bits of unbelievable physics flying about offending scientists that I find myself sitting in the cinema reviewing the film instead of watching it. There is hope, however. Mia Wasiowska’s Alice is surpr...