Where should I start with the new Ghostbusters ? Women. Let's start with women. Women There are women in this film. Quite a few of them. This shouldn't be surprising, given they make up half the population. But one glance at Twitter and you'd think they'd cast evil snake demons from the depths of hell. With all the backlash, I really wanted them to knock it out of the park and straight into the internet's face. Kristen Wiig and Melissa McCarthy are the two most acquainted with cinema. They starred in Bridesmaids, which was directed by Paul Feig, who also helms this film. It was well received, but I haven't seen it. Although, if they're as good in that as they are in this, I can't see what the fuss is about. They've clearly worked together before, their chemistry bubbling enough for at least a B at GCSE. But their characters are as distinguishable as Michael Bay's Transformers and they're no funnier than anyone else either. The other half...