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Showing posts from August, 2016

Parody, The Edinburgh Fringe and One Musical to Rule Them All

I've decided to do something a bit different with this post. If you want film stuff, there will be more of that coming soon. The BFG , Finding Dory , and Star Trek Beyond should be getting the review treatment, and Suicide Squad and Jason Bourne may also be subject to it as well. Now, on with the thing. Parody is dead. Or it is in Hollywood, at least. For proof of this, look no further than Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer. These two geniuses are responsible for Date Movie , Epic Movie , Disaster Movie , Meet the Spartans and Vampires Suck . These modern classics have a collective Rotten Tomatoes rating of 16%. If you (for some reason) need further proof, Marlon Wayans is another shining example. His latest masterpiece, Fifty Shades of Black , holds a dreadful 7% on RT. Which looks like Citizen Kane next to Friedberg and Seltzer's The Starving Games , that boasts a pathetic 0%. So things are looking bleak in Tinseltown. But fret not dear reader, for elsewhere there is a r...