[MINOR PLOT SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Last Jedi ’s divisive reception is genuinely unprecedented. The originals are universally loved, the prequels are universally loathed and The Force Awakens only faced dissent from a miserable minority. Yet this latest instalment has a Rotten Tomatoes audience score of 54%, meaning fans are split almost straight down the middle. When asked if The Last Jedi is any good, I’ve genuinely replied, “I don’t know”. Sure, I know my opinion, but what on earth is theirs going to be? I don’t want to give them any false expectations. The situation is only made more confusing when you consider the lavish acclaim poured on the film by critics. Why are audiences so polarised? Why are critics so enamoured? How is there such a disconnect between these two groups? These are all excellent question that I can't and won't answer. Instead, I’m going to explain why The Last Jedi is my favourite Star Wars film since The Empire Strikes Back . I love The L...