M. Night Shyamalan is currently Hollywood’s most infuriating director. Not because he always makes dreadful films, but because he sometimes makes good films. I really like his first four efforts (yes, even The Village ) but the man is also responsible for two of my least favourite films of all time. His borderline sacrilege adaptation of Avatar: The Last Airbender and Will Smith's nepotism vehicle After Earth are cinematic atrocities bad enough to kill most filmmakers’ careers. Yet Shyamalan keeps making films and I keep hoping he'll produce something as good as The Sixth Sense , Signs or - if we're so lucky - Unbreakable . I love Unbreakable . Despite being a superhero film, Shyamalan’s second feature bears little resemblance to the genre as we know it today. Unbreakable is a gradually paced exercise in atmosphere, deconstructing comic book conventions from a perspective unburdened by the need for action and spectacle. Unbreakable is smart and meditative; it’s engagin...