I almost feel sorry for Spectre , because Spectre will always have to deal with the shadow of Skyfall looming menacingly over it. Not to give Skyfall a bad name, it isn't Skyfall 's fault that it was so ridiculously good, but the film that followed it will always suffer as a result of its ridiculously goodness. Fortunately for Spectre , it didn't suffer too much Set Pieces Galore Despite being a fourteen year old boy, action sequences in films aren't often something I really care for. I much prefer the scenes in which the character's are interacting through other, less violent means. I think the problem lies in the lack of emotional involvement, when I see the heroes and villains beating the living daylights (no pun intended) out of each other I don't actually care, because all of the character is sucked out and instead all I see on screen are a few lifeless beings breaking lots of stuff. Spectre , however did manage to capture my attention. What made it...