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Showing posts from June, 2015

Is Jurassic World Any Good?

  A Whole New World. With Dinosaurs.  Jurassic World - Film Review By Nathan Brooks And they thought the Smiler was bad. Jurassic Park isn't the most consistent franchise. The first film, as well as being groundbreaking, was a very tense and entertaining film, mostly thanks to its ability to make you care about the characters. The second does at least have some effort put into it, but ultimately doesn't make you care as well as the first. Then you get to the third. Did anything even happen in that film? Anyway, after 14 years of no more dinosaurs, Jurassic World was finally released, but is it the sequel Jurassic Park deserved? Story Jurassic World did what the franchise should've done long ago and based the story around a now successful Jurassic Park, or Jurassic World, as they're calling it. The idea is is that people have gotten used to the whole dinosaur thing and a bit bored of it too. This meaning that to ke...

Nintendo @ E3 2015 = Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1

Nintendo @ E3 2015 Random Thoughts: Nintendo's Digital Event = Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 First rule of Internet Content 'Use weird titles, because people will click on them'. The second rule is 'Then completely forget about that title', but I'm going to ignore that. Also Katniss has to be in there somewhere, that's quite important too. So E3 was this week, E3 being the annual gaming expo were all the huge companies announce their upcoming games. Just like last year, Nintendo are the only company I actually care about and also just like last year, Nintendo have chosen to ditch the classic stage presentation and instead release a 'Digital Event', a quick and simple 50 minute long video showcasing everything Nintendo is going to release in the near-ish future.  Last year, it was excellent. It was original, it announced loads of exciting stuff and was surprisingly funny. This year, well, it had puppets, I guess?  PUPPETS! Okay, s...

Is Splatoon Any Good?

Ink-Credible Splatoon - A Video Game Review by Nathan Brooks You're a squid now, you're a kid now. As great as everything Nintendo's put out recently has been, originality is something those games have been lacking. All we've been getting is more Mario, more Zelda, more Mario, more Super Smash Bros, more Mario and, also, more Mario. Not that any of those games are bad, in fact I thought Super Smash Bros. for Wii U was the best game of 2014 hands down. However, at E3 2014, Nintendo unveiled a whole host of new ideas, including two new games being developed by the legendary Shigeru Miyamoto. As well as that, there was a little game called 'Splatoon', which saw Nintendo's first venture into 3rd person shooter territory. Territory they decided to cover in ink for some reason. Story The game's story is exclusive to its single-player campaign mode (we'll get to that later) it's very, very basic and only serves to add some sort of conte...